6 Benefits You Can Reap from Transcribing Your Conference Calls

January 29, 2020

6 Benefits You Can Reap from Transcribing Your Conference Calls

Conference call transcriptions equal additional expenses. Whether you are organizing a huge seminar or a small meeting, it is true that giving your audience some comprehensive and precise take-away notes will add up to your business expenditures. But the advantages you will have from such little investment will surely outweigh the additional cost incurred. Plus, it can open new revenue sources for your enterprise to earn even more than what you have spent.

Here Are Some Benefits You Can Gain from Getting Your Conference Transcribed:

1. Greater reach

Translating your keynote sessions into text will take your undertaking out and far beyond the four corners of the hall. It will enable you to meet new audiences around the globe. When you already have a transcript on hand, it will be easy for you to translate it into other languages. Besides, there are more than a handful of software available for you to download and use. You have just got to be picky in terms of cost and accuracy. 

Furthermore, transcribing your conference also lets you share its content with everyone who was absent during the event. Whether it is a client or an employee who failed to attend, no-shows can get the same gist of the meeting as the attendees had. Meanwhile, journalists and analysts can quickly scan the document, enabling an easy overview of the conference. For those who are lazy or just don’t have plenty of time to thoroughly read the transcript, they could just look for the highlights of the meeting.

2. Increased accessibility

Conference transcription is an important process in making sure that the event is accessible to as many people as possible. Providing a transcript is a way to create an inclusive content to everyone, including deaf and hard-of-hearing people. 

In the case of online conferences, which are available via stream, not all people are privileged with a compatible gadget and a stable internet connection. For situations like this, transcripts come very useful and handy. They could just wait at the end of the live stream, download the transcript, and learn as if they have attended the conference themselves.

3. Brand awareness

Having your conference in transcription is also a marketing opportunity at your disposal. You have an option to make your transcripts tangible by printing it on paper or just keep it digital by posting it online. Either way, it is still some type of document you can put on subtle promotional visuals. Therefore, it can be an avenue for you to advertise your business and to sell your products and services to the mass. Think of it as an extra trick to attract more customers.

4. Optimized search engine results

To give you the best results, search engines rely on words or a combination of two or more. Transcribing your conference and making it available on the Internet will boost your online presence by providing keyword-rich content. People seeking similar content as yours can learn about your company, as they come across on your document. As organic as that is, transcription might just score you a wider scope of a business prospect.

5. Better engagement

As a speaker or presenter, it truly is discouraging when the audience pays little to no attention to you as they are more focused on scribbling notes on their journals or laptops. Informing your audience that a transcript will be available after the conference can ease them up so they will be able to listen actively without worrying about their hard-to-read notes after the event. By giving them hard copies or letting them search it online, they will have a material to review afterward. With all that said, as an attendee, transcripts are guaranteed to save you from asking “Who said what now?” and from getting incorrect lecturer names.

6. New revenue source

Especially when you are holding conferences of cheap registration fees but loaded with renowned speakers, you may be able to charge fees for attendees who would like to have a transcript of a speaker’s speech. You could also sell your transcripts to interested clients who would use these materials for training, analysis, or research. Nevertheless, it is an additional source of income you can venture on after securing transcriptions of your seminars or discussions.

With all the benefits you can have from conference transcriptions, it’s a sound business decision to pay it up for a price. It won’t be a bad investment as long as you crowdsource a third-party company that has a pool of experienced and accurate transcriptionists that can provide you with error-free transcripts within fast turnaround time.

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