Where to Find Earnings Call Transcripts

December 4, 2019

Where to Find Earnings Call Transcripts

Earnings call is a tool used by public companies to present their successes and alleviate their investors’ fears of that quarter. This also helps financial analysts to gather all the information vital for their evaluation regarding the company's performance. With something as essential as this, interested parties, mostly the potential investors and existing shareholders, look forward to attending the company earnings conference call. 

However, schedules can change and cause conflict or some people can’t be held up for an hour or more in a conference call. An alternative used to resolve this is through publishing transcripts of the entire discussion. 

Where exactly can you find these earnings call transcripts?

  • Go to the official company website

Many companies provide transcripts of their earnings conference calls on their official website. Usually, you’ll find it on the investor relations page, but it does differ from company to company. It might be posted in the news releases tab or on the events page. To make it easier, use the search box on the website instead and type in terms like earnings, for example. You should be led to the transcripts of the company’s most recent and perhaps previous calls.

  • Search for financial content websites

Keep in mind though, earnings call transcripts are not required. It is mandatory for public companies to release their financial performances every end of the quarter and after the fiscal year, but conducting an earnings conference call and delivering a written copy of it is not compulsory. A company can freely decide later on to stop conducting the calls and remove the transcripts on their website altogether. If this happens, where else to go when you’ll need the data of a company’s financial results from way back?

Lucky for us, financial content websites exist, and they have a database of recordings and transcriptions of earnings calls from different companies. You could find calls about the current earnings or the outcome from prior quarters and/or years. Go on and search for these sites to keep yourself informed and updated on how a company is doing now and even before. 

  • Get help from third-party transcription companies

You know where to go for the most up-to-date earnings call transcripts and you’ve got a saving grace when the old ones are nowhere to be found. Although, what could be done if you have an audio recording of the just adjourned conference call and you must have the written version at a specific timeframe?

Third-party transcription companies can be hired when you’re in a strict timeline. It is essential to find the one that could assure you security, flexibility, and accuracy so that whatever data you divulge is safe, you can depend on someone when there are necessary adjustments, and there’s no added editing work once the document is in your hands. To find the transcription company that offers all three, the search is not far and wide.

TranscriptionWings earnings call transcription services include all three elements: It’s GDPR & HIPAA compliant; it is open and eager to follow the client’s preferences, and it allows only the highest quality outputs. With TranscriptionWing, what you’ll have is a reliable source for your transcription needs.

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